Why Obama will lose, part I
It is a well known fact that President Obama and the liberal elite that support him view the world so differently from the way that conservatives and even most centrists do that their perception can be...
View ArticlePigs Walking
CBS News and the Associated Press released one of the most spectacularly predictable stories of the year, entitled: “Many blacks shrug off Obama’s same-sex views.” In it, the unnamed reporter, through...
View ArticleThe Third Stage of Grief is Bargaining
According to a famous and enduring formulation on Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, grief proceeds through five stages: Denial, Rage, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. In addition to and...
View ArticleThe Third Stage of Grief is Bargaining
According to a famous and enduring formulation on Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, grief proceeds through five stages: Denial, Rage, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. In addition to and...
View ArticleTonight, Let Us Assume the Worst
Tonight, let us assume the worst. Let us assume that the Supreme Court will uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law in full. Let us assume that we will be forced to walk the gauntlet of...
View ArticleFeeding the 99%
More to come shortly, but right now, just wanted to let you know that I lunched at Chick-fil-A in Burlington MA today and the place was mobbed!
View ArticleThe Case for a Conservative Candidate in MA
Scott Brown lost his re-election bid for the Senate by a 54-46% margin last November. Yesterday, Gabriel Gomez lost his special Senate election by a slightly wider margin to Ed Markey. Both Brown and...
View ArticleCalling all signature volunteers!
We need signatures and we need them fast! If you want to help put a conservative in the House of Representatives for Massachusetts, please help.
View ArticleHarvard Nanophysicist to run for Congress in MA-05
Holliston- Harvard Nanophysicist and former Congressional candidate Mike Stopa will announce his candidacy for the special election to fill Sen. Markey’s recently vacated U.S. House of Representative’s...
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